Workbenches and Lab Furniture

Pro-Line Series

Modular Ergonomic Workbenches


Wide Selection of Workbenches - Modular Design
Interchangeable Accessories - Competitive Prices

Basic Workstations Pro-Line Products:

Model HD
Fixed Height, Our Most Popular Model Workbench w/Optional Height Adjustment
RBT Workstations
Ball Transfer Built into the Work surface
Millennium II
Electric Height Adjust w/Memory Workbench
Adjust Height by Hand or Electric Workbench
Ergo-Line HD
Adjust Height by Hand or Electric Workbench
Dimension Next
Single and Double Sided, Add-Ons
Model CHD
Fixed Height, Recessed Legs Workbench w/Optional Height Adjustment
Model CHD Quad
Fixed Height, Recessed Legs Workbench w/Optional Height Adjustment
Open Frame Over Conveyor Workbench
Recessed Legs, Versatile Workbench
Single and Double Sided Workbench, Add-Ons
Wire Harness Assembly
Adjust Height by Hand or Electric Workbench
Model ECB
Cabinet Bench w/Doors- Neat, Enclosed Storage
Technician Station
Riser Shelf Included Workbench
Model BC
Belt Conveyor Workbench
Model PCP
Heavy Duty Pedestal Workbench

