Workbenches and Lab Furniture

Knowledge Center


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Secura ESD Paint

Secura ESD coatings are effective for a wide variety of electronic-related metal products including workbenches and modular cabinets.

Micastat ESD Laminate

Micastat offers the user a static-safe work surface with the performance of a high-pressure decorative laminate. For ESD workbenches and workstations, requires optional ESD grounding kit.

Postforming Laminate

Designed for manufacturing countertops, workbench work surfaces and other horizontal surfaces where the laminate may be heated and rolled over the substrate edge to eliminate seams. Both 90 degree and 180 degree rolled front edges.

Powdura Epoxy Powder Coating

Offers optimum film properties in terms of adhesion, hardness and chemical resistance for both functional and decorative applications. Pro-Lines standard powder coat finish for its steel workbenches and material handling products.


Resobak sheets, applied to bottom side of
Pro-Line work surface substrates faced with Pionite, help impart stability and reduce warpage of the final product.

Standard Plastic Laminate

Three standard grades of Pionite laminate – General Purpose, Postforming, and Type F28 - are suitable for most industrial applications.

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